Thursday, October 30, 2008


Dpt tau something... hrmm... hope you're happy!!!


Today I feel like listing some of the phobia's that exist in the world. I took this from Wikipidia.. so if anyone finds any other phobia's.. especially the unique or weird ones.. do share 'em... Here are those that I took on the net:

Ablutophobia - fear of bathing, washing, or cleaning.
Acrophobia, Altophobia — fear of heights.
Agoraphobia, without Panic Disorder — fear of places or events where escape is impossible or when help is unavailable.
Agraphobia- fear of sexual abuse
Algophobia — fear of pain.
Anglophobia - fear of the English or English culture
Anthropophobia - fear of people or being in a company, a form of social phobia
Anthrophobia - fear of flowers
Aquaphobia, Hydrophobia — fear of water
Astraphobia, Astrapophobia, Brontophobia, Keraunophobia — fear of thunder, lightning and storms; especially common in young children.
Autophobia — fear of being alone.
Aviophobia, Aviatophobia — fear of flying.
Bacillophobia, Bacteriophobia, Microbiophobia — fear of microbes and bacteria.
Cibophobia, Sitophobia — aversion to food, synonymous to Anorexia nervosa.
Claustrophobia — fear of confined spaces.
Coulrophobia — fear of clowns (not restricted to evil clowns).
Decidophobia - fear of making decisions
Dental phobia, Dentophobia, Odontophobia — fear of dentists and dental procedures.
Dysmorphophobia, or body dysmorphic disorder — a phobic obsession with a real or imaginary body defect.
Emetophobia — fear of vomiting.
Ergasiophobia, Ergophobia — fear of work or functioning, or a surgeon's fear of operating.
Ergophobia - fear of work or functioning
Erotophobia — fear of sexual love or sexual questions.
Erythrophobia — pathological blushing.
Gephyrophobia — fear of bridges
Genophobia, Coitophobia — fear of sexual intercourse.
Glossophobia — fear of speaking in public or of trying to speak.
Gymnophobia — fear of nudity.
Gynophobia — fear of women.
Haptephobia - fear of being touched.
Heliophobia — fear of sunlight.
Hemophobia, Haemophobia — fear of blood.
Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia — fear of the number 666.
Hoplophobia - fear of weapons, specifically firearms (Generally a political term but the clinical phobia is also documented).
Ligyrophobia - fear of loud noises.
Lipophobia - fear/avoidance of fats in food
Mysophobia — fear of germs, contamination or dirt.
Necrophobia — fear of death, the dead.
Neophobia, Cainophobia, Cainotophobia, Cenophobia, Centophobia, Kainolophobia, Kainophobia — fear of newness, novelty.
Nomophobia — fear of being out of mobile phone contact.
Nosophobia — fear of contracting a disease
Nyctophobia, Achluophobia, Lygophobia, Scotophobia — fear of darkness.
Osmophobia, Olfactophobia — fear of smells.
Paraskavedekatriaphobia, Paraskevidekatriaphobia, Friggatriskaidekaphobia — fear of Friday the 13th.
Panphobia — fear of everything or constantly afraid without knowing what is causing it
Phagophobia - fear of swallowing
Phonophobia — fear of loud sounds.
Pyrophobia — fear of fire.
Radiophobia — fear of radioactivity or X-rays.
Sociophobia — fear/dislike of society or people in general (see also "sociopath").
Scopophobia - fear of being looked at or stared at.
Somniphobia - fear of sleep.
Spectrophobia - fear of mirrors and one's own reflections
Spheksophobia - fear of wasps.
Taphophobia — fear of the grave, or fear of being placed in a grave while still alive.
Technophobia — fear of technology (see also Luddite).
Tetraphobia — fear of the number 4.
Tokophobiafear of childbirth.
Tomophobia - fear or anxiety of surgeries/surgical operations
Trichophobia - fear caused of loose hairs on clothing or elsewhere.
Triskaidekaphobia, Terdekaphobia — fear of the number 13.
Trypanophobia, Aichmophobia, Belonephobia, Enetophobia — fear of needles or injections
Xenophobia — fear of strangers, foreigners, or aliens.

Ailurophobia -- fear of cats
Apiphobia, Melissophobia — fear of bees
Arachnophobia — fear of spiders
Chiroptophobia — fear of bats
Cynophobia — fear of dogs
Entomophobia — fear of insects
Equinophobia, Hippophobia — fear of horses
Galeophobia, Selachophobia - fear of sharks
Herpetophobia — fear of reptiles
Ichthyophobia — fear of fish
Musophobia — fear of mice and/or rats
Ophidiophobia — fear of snakes
Ornithophobia — fear of birds
Ranidaphobia — fear of frogs
Zoophobia — a generic term for animal phobias
Hydrophobia — fear of water (a symptom of rabies).
Photophobia — hypersensitivity to light causing aversion to light (a symptom of Meningitis and a common condition of migrane headaches).
Phonophobia — hypersensitivity to sound causing aversion to sounds. Common during an alcohol hangover or migrane.
Osmophobia — hypersensitivity to smells causing aversion to odors. Common during pregnancy.
Biphobia — dislike of bisexuals
Chemophobia — prejudice against artificial substances in favour of 'natural' substances.
Ephebiphobia — fear/dislike of youth.
Gerontophobia, Gerascophobia — fear of growing old or a hatred of the elderly.
Heterophobia — fear/dislike of heterosexuals.
Homophobia — aversion to homosexuality or fear of homosexuals. (This word has become a common political term, and many people interpret it as a slur.)
Hoplophobia — aversion to firearms or firearms owners. This word has also gained a certain political notoriety as a dysphemism for "gun control advocate"
Lesbophobia - fear/dislike of lesbian women
Lusophobia - fear/dislike of Portuguese people
Pedophobia, Pediophobia — fear/dislike of children
Psychophobia — prejudice and discrimination against mentally ill
Serbophobia - fear/dislike of Serbs or Serbia
Sinophobia - fear or dislike for China, its people, or its culture
Transphobia — fear or dislike of transgender or transsexual people.
Xenophobia — fear or dislike of foreigners

I am half of a Herpetophobia, because I fear lizards and frogs, but not snakes and turtle.
I am half claustrophobic, cause it depends how confined the spaces are..
Coulrophobia... I blame this because of the movie 'IT'.. now I am afraid of clowns...

What phobia do you have???

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Nenek & Her Harta Karun

Barang2 Nenek... look at the bags.. antique gile.. haha...

Nenek dok sebok mengemas..

Nenek in the middle of her things... "Penat dibuatnye aku, takyah la nk barang baru semue, aku dah nk mampuih".. but she was excited when the things arrived.

Nenek just got a new bedroom set recently, so me and my family helped out in taking out her things and rearranging it for her.. take a look at her picture and all her stuff... Antique gile.. hahaha

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Seksanya braces..

Terok, terok... harini, I went to the dentist.. lame gak la kali ni.. as normal, the dentist would bukak the wire, n replace it with a new, shorter one. This time, he added something else...
Two brackets behind my 2 front teeth, so that I would bite on to that, instead of my 'lelangit'.

These brackets, sesungguhnya tak lawa langsung..

It looks as if I have two teeth behind my front teeth... burok giler ok.. plus, because of that, my mulut xleh tutup rapat. my gigi atas n bawah tak bertemu, making chewing food harder. Dr dah kate, I can't eat hard food for a few days, so I gotta stick to soft food... Dahla time raya.. mcm ni lak..

And because my teeth don't meet, I can't enjoy my food.. I can chew just a bit of it, and swallow the food whole. Td almost tercekik ikan bilis... sounds funny kan?? But it's really sad.. now my mouth sangat la lenguh, and lenguh tu trase sampai ke tengkuk, n I can't speak properly... I keep sluring words... susah tul... tension... but hey, no pain no gain, so I guess I have tp put up with this.

At least I need to use those 2 brackets only for 2 months or so... then the Dr. will remove it, once my teeth dah selari.. Ishhh... tensi2..

Owh, n the worse part is... I x reti nk senyum.. kalo tunjuk gigi, nampak that ugly thing behind tu, kalo smile my normal smile, it looks as if i senyum terpaksa... or tgh meneran... haihhh...

Monday, October 20, 2008

The story of Mr. Syazwan's hair...

Exhibit A:
Once upon a time, Ms. Nadeeya got to know a friend by the name of Schatz or Syazwan... this was his hairtsyle on the early month of January... Long and unruly... here he is with his cousin, Arif. We were at genting this time... his hair flyed everywhere when we got on the rides... mengalahkan rambut pompuan.. but it was nice... until....

Exhibit B:
...This is what it looks like if Mr. Syazwan ties his hair... my cousin, whom I believe is too small to judge a person's hair, said he looks like Hang Tuah, my answer to my cousins comment: a great big laugh that brought me to tears. Here is Mr. Syazwan with his friends, Rose and Tini.

Exhibit C:
In the months of February, Mr. Schatz had an incling to do something with his hair... owh, he likes to wear caps.. so with his unruly hair, this is what he looked like when he wears a cap. Notice the wild hair going underneath there... It was minutes after a disastrous hairdo that made Ms. Nadeeya laugh so hard, she couldn't breath...

Refer Exhibit D:
Behold horror no.1!!! Aaaaaaarrrrrgggghhhhh!!! The quest to try and error... this, my friends, is definitely a big ERROR!!! Alas, I must admit, that his hair was silky smooth... for about 15 mins..

Exhibit E (owh... I'm cruel... Muahahahahaha!!!)
In early May, the trial and error phase has gone hay-wire, where Mr. Syazwan insists, that curling his hair would make him look cool... Ms. Nadeeya and Mr. Aral was left speechless. It was a good thing that the facial that Ms Nadeeya got while waiting for the hair-perming session, proved succesful in making her carve the slightest smile.. but still, speechless... followed by laughs from her and Mr. Aral that was incredibly evil, and shook the whole car. Mr. Syazwan almost went to tears...

Exhibit F:
Mr. Syazwan had to enter a new working phase, thus went the horrifying hairdo... snip, snip went the scissors, and tadaaaa... a new short n curly wurly hair comes out! Good thing it was adorable..

Exhibit G:
The nerd comes alive... a bit more snips here n there after a couple of months, and he curly hair was gone, and here comes the nerdy hair-do... but hey, at least it's much better than those two hairstyles..

Exhibit H:

Now, doesn't Mr. Syazwan look all nice and smart... the hair grows to all the right length and directions. Mr Syazwan looks normal again.

Exhibit I:

The latest into the hair phase: Mr. Syazwan has a hobby... his hobby is to try everything, then complain that it's all wrong. But then, I'm not quite sure what he was thinking when he decided to cut his hair this short... It made him look like a naughty lil' kid... and more like his small brother..

What new hairstyle will come out next from our Mr. Syazwan?? Want to find out? Hold on to your seats, and let's go through the ride, let's say... for a few more months in the future.

Till then... Ms. Nadeeya will be blogging on other things than her friends hair, and hoping she doesn't have a crazy hair phase like her dear friend herself.

P/S: Mr. Syazwan... I love u still and you're still my friend, no matter what hairstyle you have...

I was tagged by Ellie and Wan!!!!

Due kali I kene tagged, due kali my name was the 1st on the list.. that means something.. means tha I have to do this thinga-ma-jig...

Rule#1 People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any 1 question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.

RULE #2 Tag 5 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by and continue this game by sending it to other people.


1. If your lover betrayed you, what will be your reaction be?
I'm not the type to revenge on someone... I'll just let it be.. but deep inside, giler hurt dowh... depends how much I care for that person, I'll probably cry it out, and feel much better the next day... hahaha

2. How romantic are u?
Hrmm... I dunno... sometimes I'm cold as Ice.. sometimes I'm a hopeless romantic.. depends la... Kate pun Gemini, split personalities.. hahahaha

3. Whose butt would you like to kick?~
Owh... customer yang itu dan yang itu... dan colleague yang itu dan itu... hahahaha

4. What would you do with a million dollars?
RM10ok for charity.. teringin nak buat orphanage yg elok for those kids yg I tgk kat poster tu.. yg umah orphanage derang mcm nk runtuh and terok sgt.. would love to see a good place for them to live in.
RM300k - beli apartment/umah due biji, kalo xcukup, letak as downpayment n pandai2 la sambung bayar loan, pastu buat investment, rent it of ke...
RM200k - Nak buka Cafe please.... ngehehehe... from there, buat catering... pastu agak2 dah maju... try bukak chalet or boutique hotel plak.
RM50k each for daddy n mommy... suke ati derang nk wat ape with the money.. hehe
RM300k for myself, savings, shopping, investment... semue cukup... Ngee~~ Owh2... nak bawak my parents gi holilday... kat Europe, pastu kat South Africa then South America, L.A and Las Vegas, and Australia, and Fiji... oi... cukup kaaa???? Hahahahahha....

5. Will you fall in love with your best friend?~
Fate lies in the hands of God, but we can do something about that fate, or just let it be... but nothing will happen without a push-start, right? It depends la... But at the mean time, takde kot.

6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
~Being loved by someone... I haven't felt that feeling for a wayyyy long time.. I mean, by my family n friends, yes.. but by someone special, no.. so yeah, it is better to be loved than love. It is better to love and lost, then never love at all... eh wait.. lari dah tu.. hahaha

7. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
~ As long as I can tahan la... Gemini's are impatient.. if the wait too long, they might just grab watever comes next... hahahahahahaha...

8. If the person you secretly love is already attached, what would you do?
Kalo ade jodoh, tak kemane... but isn't it a waste of time to wait for someone who is already in love with someone else??

9. What do you pray each day for your loved ones?
~ I pray that each of them are blessed each day with the happiness and the dreams that they have wanted.

10. What would u do if meeting Anita Sarawak in person?
~ Soalan ape ni Wan??? Tuka2...:
10.. What do you feel like doing right this moment??
Hang out with my friends by a beach... gi holiday ke... bosan laa... hahahaha

11. Do u think u r sexy?
~ I got boobs and I got butt... that's all I can say... no, I dun feel sexy... pretty, yes... sexy?? Hrmm... tak kot..

12. What age u will have a baby?
~ As soon as 6 months after I get married, whenever I get married, I want to go preggers... hahahaa...

13. What kind of person do you think who tagged you is?
~ Ellie: My sayang kilat2 prada... she is a wonderful friend, that is there for you and slaps you in the face when u're lost... hypothetically speaking la slap tu kan... if she slaps me, i slap her back.. hahaha... Lap u Ellie!!!
Wan: He is ever so gorgeous, loving n caring.. Sayang Wan!!!
Both of them are one of the reason I smile each day.

14. Would you rather be single but rich married but poor?
~ married but poor... I dun wanna be rich alone... die rich but lonely... giler sedih..

15. What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?
~ Check h/p: kot2 la ade msg ke miss call mase I was in dreamland... On working days, tros masuk bilik air and do my thing, on weekends, believe it or not... bangun2 jer, bukak pintu cari orang dlm umah.. hhahahaha....

16. Do u think you will still be a virgin until u get married?
~ I nak pitam gak macam Wan.... Haihhhssss *pengsan*

17. What is your kissing type?
~ Ask those that I have kissed... Ngee~~

18. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing that someone has done?
~I will forgive, but I will never forget...

19. What your favourite game?
~Monopoly... but skarang no time la... A good monopoly game takes 2 hours tauuu.... mane ade time...

20. What is your favourite kuih raya?
~Kuih Bawang ngan anything that has chocolate... I'm not picky.. as long as there's chocs in there, I mamam... hihihi

Who to tag??? I nak tag org yg xde blog gak.. so they have to open one as well.. hahahahaha!!!

Saturday, October 18, 2008


Mawi gets sponsored RM5million for his future wedding with Ekin??? CRAP

Shah Rukh Khan gets Datuk-ship because he did 4 movies in Malacca??? DOUBLE CRAP

Tom Cruise Dies??? CRAPPY CRAP

Now I want to go take a crap... toodles!!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Say No to No

Got this from a Shell Ad in Times Magazine...

Isn’t it high time someone got negative about negativity?
Yes it is.
Look Around. The world is full of things that, according to nay-sayers, should never have happened.
And yet “Yes.”
Yes, continents have been found.
Yes, men have played golf on the moon.
Yes, straw is being turned into bio-fuel to power cars.
Yes, Yes, Yes.
What does it take to turn no into yes?
Curiosity. An open mind. A willingness to take risks.
And, when the problem seems most insoluble, when the challenge is hardest, when everyone else is shaking their heads, to say: let’s go.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


There goes that whole emotional turmoil again...

Monday, October 6, 2008

New York New York!!!

Start spreading the news...
I'm leaving today...
I want to be a part of it..
Spent my holidays in the big apple... stayed at the heart of Manhattan... so let me bring you guys in a day to day synopsis of what I did.. the pictures aren't in order though... so I'll just go thru it randomly.
Day One:
Arrived Newark Liberty International Airport at around 7pm NY time. Took the cab to our hotel, The New Yorker, which is in the heart of Manhattan. Once we arrived there, took a breather, then me n dad went down to look for dinner. Found a halal cart, and bought kebab for all 3 of us... tak sedappp... but at least dpt la makan. After dinner, I took a nice shower and went straight to sleep.
Day Two:
Breakfast makan hash brown n omellete McD.. then we started of taking a two story tour bus, which took us around lower Manhattan or what they call it, Downtown. The weather was gloomy.. mmg ujan before that.. and there were drizzles along our bus trip too. Jalan2 tengok all the nice buildings and even went through some places which had some historical points. Of course lalu gak Wall Street.. and media penuh kat situ.. because of the whole economic crisis US is going thru.. The bus also took us to some movie sets.. one place was where Miranda from Sex n The Cisty got married in the garden with her husband.. alaa.. x ingat name husband die.. huhu.. then we went past the building where the shots of Spiderman were taken. Ade gak lalu kat the house Heath Ledger was found dead in.. What I liked about New York were the old buildings, many from the 19th century and early 20th which are still well preserved and lived in, some made into office buildings and shoplots. There were a few new buildings coming up to.. ad they were magnificant..
Had lunch at a food court, had shrimp pasta and cheese pizza. Kenyang giler... we only bought one plate of pasta and one slice of pizza.. tapi sbb besar gile.. so we could share it just the 3 of us. Then we went browsing thru Macy's Deparment store. The biggest department store in New York. Tak shopping sangat.. sebab just nak tengok2 dulu ape yg interesting nak beli. Malam we had dinner kat Red Lobster... sedap ooo... makan udang je.. udang goreng tepung, udang pasta, udang tumis, popcorn udang, crab cake.. ok, that's not udang.. hahahaa... but lovely2 food.
Day Three:
Sambung with our trip. Went to take a ferry to pass by Brooklyn City, Ellis Island and the statue of liberty. Lady Liberty looked pretty.. and we found out that Lady liberty was carved by a french man in which the face of lady liberty resembled that of his mother and the body resembled his lover. Lady liberty was a gift from France to the USA for honouring their close ties between countries. After that, we went to China Town... ok, nyesal gi situ... busuk n dirty.. I didn't remember it being like that the last time I came. Kitorg makan kat McD je.. mkn filet o fish, sebab there was nowhere else to eat in China Town. But we did manage to get some souvenirs laa.. later we went to Time Square and jalan2 there and sambung shopping around that area plak. Had dinner of err... makan ape ek? tak ingat.. hahahaha...
Day Four:
Daddy took the morning flight to Cincinatti, Ohio. So tinggal la me n Mommy in the big Apple. I woke up n beli Roti Canai yg lain giler... ade ubi kat tengah2.. nasib baik dalcha die sedap. I bought it at a halal Kashmiri cafe a couple of blocks from our hotel. Lepas tu me n mommy went to Central Park Zoo. Kecik giler ok Zoo tu... it's like, less thatn 2 acres, and animals die pun ciput2 je... but it's a nice zoo in the city la.. masuk kat Central Park tu, u forget that u're in the busiest city in the world, because of the big trees and the chirping of the birds, and the occasional sounds of the monkeys and sea lion in the zoo... hahaha.. owh, sape yg tgk madagascar tu, don't be decieved ok. There are no girrafes or hipppos or lions or zebra's in the zoo. Ade monkeys n birds and turtles, then ade 2 ekor sea lion and 2 ekor polar bear je.. hahaha.. later we went to Nanking.. a muslim Thai restaurant... puas makan nasi goreng and mommy had her rice with lobster... sedap ooooo... Then sambung shopping kat M&M World..(would blog about this later) and Hershey's World, pastu letak barang kat Hotel and sambung shopping sket2 around our hotel plak.
Day Five:
Selamat Hari Raya!!! Only me n Mommy je beraya together.. Daddy is stuck in the seminar in Ohio.. sigh... called my grandparents.. n mama menangis... she was like 'I got used to not having satu cucu for Raya.. but now I'm short of one cucu, one son and one menantu'... puas my mom pujuk die.. huhuhu...
Me n mommy had lunch kat Bombay Palace.. our Raya meal makan nasi beriyani and all those northern indian food la. Then gi shopping kat Bloomingdale's. Kat situ macam ala2 department store yg mahal... everything pun mahal.. but adela a few things yg bleh beli... like say... my Juicy Couture bag!!!! I mean.. murah giler ok.. compare ngan Malaysia!!! Ngehehehe... gumbiranyaaa!!!
Pastu gi sambung shopping kat Macy's plak. Mlam tu I went and bought nasi for mommy and chicken nuggets and fries for myself kat this halal cafe again. Senang gak nak cari Halal food... makin ramai Arab n Pakistani's jual food kat situ. But muak gak la, dok makan there food n fried food n seafood jer memanjang.
Day Six:
Check out from the hotel and had our last minute shopping at Macy's and Time Square, while waiting for Daddy to arrive from Ohio. After lunch, we went to Newark and stayed in Hilton Newark Hotel, in New Jersey, miles away from New York... goodbye New York City. Kat sane, we just lepak2 the whole day... we packed food from the indian restaurant back in New York awal2.. so we had that for dinner.
Day Seven:
Went to Jersey Gardens Mall, a factory outlet store. Of course, everything is cheap!! but the thing is, it's not the latest items la... but bantai... asal murah!! Hahahaha... the whole day kat situ je.. makan minum pun kat situ.. coz that's the nearest place we can makan pun from our hotel.. yg lain semue jauh.
Day Eight:
Going home at night, but before that, we make a quick 3 hour stop kat Jersey Gardens again and went for some last minute shopping spree. Balik hotel tu, cepat2 packing and went to the airport. Then at 10pm, we went on our flight back home to the beautiful country of Malaysia, truly Asia...
Day Nine:
Sampai dahhh.... dapat makan nasi lemak, slept for 6 hours and had a nice dinner and here I am typing away.. ngehehehe...
Here are some of the pictures I took. Tak banyak though... sebab Daddy n Mommy prefered to be n video camera and hold the video camera instaad of the camera.. huhu...

This at the entrance of the Zoo.. mommy tgh sebok with the video camera..
This is the double decker our bus... I took a picture of this one sebab cute.. ade Madagascar!!!
Me n my pose in front of a theatre that was showing Mamma Mia... No.. I didn't go watch it.. huhu
Me going crazy at M&M's world... everything was M&M'S!!!
Another famous Broadway show: Hairspray!!!
Princess Dee2 in Time Square
In between the thousands of people...
One of the bulding that was used as a scene in SpiderMan..
Sorry, But I'm The Queen, stuck in Manhattan...

Lady Liberty and Lady Dee
The View from our hotel room... I tak tau building ape tu.. hahahaha...
There was a UN Conference in New York during our time there, so there were police cars everywhere having drills n stuff.. fire trucks pun banyak..
Macy's... the best shopping place to be in New York...
This is where Miranda got married in the Sex in the City series.
The famous bull in Wall Street..