Thursday, December 31, 2009


Chocolate Truffles for supper. And I wonder to myself how I got fat... Sheesh!!!

Saturday, December 26, 2009


Mase gi doctor last Thursday kat DSH, I told him the pain in my back still ade.. tp dah kurang sgt2 compared to mase mule2 dulu..

And... he added 4 more physiotherapies for me to go to starting from Monday up to Thursday, and a check up again with him on Thursday. Beginning to think something's wrong.. but positive thoughts!!!

He said, kalo tak elok jugak, die nk refer me to a nerve specialist... but again, he's pushing away the idea that it's a slip disc.. because he said I can still move and gerak2 my body like normal.

Bosan tul physiotherapy.. 1 hour of exercise, laser treatments, ultrasound and icepacks.. bosan2.. haihhh.. wattodooo...

Wish me luck!!!

Poison & Cure

Food poisoning.. that's what I got in Indonesia.. according to my doctor, at least 1 out of 3 people get food poisoning when they come back from Indonesia, either a minor or major one.. mine was considerably major.

Let's see.. 4 days of purging and diaorrhea (I still can't figure out how to spell this word), a day of vomiting, 2 days of nauseating.. yepp... nice holiday.. let's also not forget the thing that happen at the airport on the day we left for Jakarta..

Our passports weren't excepted, because there's a ruling that says.. 6 months prior to expiry, the holder must renew their passport and can't travel anywhere.. Kalau dah mcm tu punye ruling.. they should have wrote it terang2 on the ticket and in the passport laa!!! Ini tak.. a fine size 5 print in bold that they expect EVERYONE to read... sheesh!!! so we had to cancel our 1.30pm flight, run to Putrajaya, renew our passports (apparently they have a special case booth for people like us.. and it took under an hour to renew), run back to KLIA.. just to find out that the nxt available flight on MAS is full. Andddddd... MAS yg tetibe bodoh out of nowhere, pergi cancel our ticket back from Jakarta to KL too... kununnye its auto-cancel.. WTF??? and they didn't even ask us whether we want to cancel it.. again dgn alasan auto-cancel derang. Si nak xnak.. dgn berat hatinya.. we took Air Asia instead, had to pay tons of money for the new tickets.. and as usual.. a flight delay for 1 hour mase nak pegi Jakarta and a delay of FOUR effin' hours mase n balik KL... dahla sakit perot, food poisoning.. lg nk delay2.. I think the toilet in Soekarno-Hatta became my best friend, because I visited it for like 8 times within the 4 hour delay...

Haihh.. what a trip... good thing was.. I got lots of thing that I wanted to buy.. not for myself.. but for my lil' business.. Dah jd makcik kain dah I skrg.. ngehehe... For myself, ade la about 4 helai baju.. hahahaha!!

Anyways.. miss home n glad I'm home... santikkkkjer Mesia... hihi..

Saturday, December 19, 2009


A million faces,
Thousands of Smiles...
Yet I still miss home..
I wanna go home..

Woittt... Baru 3 hari kat Jakarta & now Bandung.. and I miss KL like mad.. nk roti canaaaiiii!!! isk isk...

Despite the heavenly shopping kat sini n stuff... sigh.. home, sweet sugary home.. How I miss thee~

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Someone once told me that you have to choose
What you win or lose you cant have everything
Dont you take chances you might feel the pain
Dont you love in vain, cause love won't set you free
I could stand by the side
And watch this life pass me by
So unhappy, but safe as could be

So what if it hurts me, so what if I break down
so what if this world just throws me off the edge
My feet run out of ground
I gotta find my place, I wanna hear my sound
Dont care about other pain in front of me
cos im just trying to be happy
Just wanna be happy

Holding on tightly just cant let it go
Just tryna play my roll, slowly disappear, ooh
Well all these tears they feel like theyre the same
Just different faces, different names
Get me outta here
Well i can stand by the side
And watch this life pass me by
Pass me by

So what if it hurts me, so what if I break down
so what if this world just throws me off the edge
My feet run out of ground
I gotta find my place, I wanna hear my sound
Dont care about other pain in front of me
cos I'm just trying to be happy

So any turns that i cant see
I'll count a stranger on this road
But don't save it down, don't say anythng

So what if it hurts me, so what if I break down
So what if this world just throws me off the edge
My feet run out of ground
I gotta find my place, I wanna hear my sound
Don't care about other pain in front of me
I just wanna be happy...
Courtesy of Leona Lewis's Happy

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What is it?

4 years of single life... no real relationship.. only flings that didn't worked out.. even that with my ex was not considered a real one, because of our long distance relationship that was on the verge of breaking for the most of our 2 1/2 year relationship.

Single life.. people say enjoy it.. but when it is THIS long of a period.. there's nothing much to enjoy. There's only loneliness and emptiness...

I have had my taste of men who take me for granted.. I tell you.. at first, they looked ok.. then they start to show signs of being a control freak, within less of 3 months of befriending each other. Then I have those who end up not quite interested with women... if u know what I mean.

Then there are those jerks, whom some use me for money... just into 1-2 weeks or months of knowing each other, then they asks for handphone top-ups and even to lend some money. There are those who go to the extreme and ask for sexual favours... eeeuuuwwwww... and there even those whom get close to me, because they want me to introduce them to my friends.. that hurts.. big time!!!

Sometimes I wonder what the matter it is with me. To say I'm chubby and fat.. I know people even bigger sized than me who are already in a relationship.. some even married. To say I'm ugly.. I'm not.. I say I'm pretty to be honest... To say I'm a tom boy.. I used to.. now I'm all prim n proper. To sayh I'm high maintenance.. I don't go crazy over designer items and luxury items like other girls do.. whom in fact still get to get hold of a relationship. To say I'm childish.. I'm not. So what is it in me that there has not been a decent man that wants to be with me for me n to love me.

I'm confused, upset, lonely... Yes, I do hahe friends and family.. but it's not the same. Especially when I have almost everyone around me either deeply in love, married or to the least, being courted in some ways.. I try to keep a positive mind, but sadness lingers when I see everyone around me being loved.. and it saddens me more when people ask me when I'm getting married... do I have a boyfriend.. and when I say no.. they give this confused expression of to why I'm still single and asks me tons of questions... Excuse me people, but i question myself on that too you know...

I think I'm starting to bore my friends out when I whine about being single... But I've tried almost everything in the book.. from thinking positive, to opening up to loving myself in order to project a loving aura... to flirting.. what else??

Mandi bunga maybe??? Sigh.. I dunno... I'm blunt... can't think of anything else anymore.

***Sad + Lonely = Pathetic***

Monday, December 7, 2009

When I'm lazy..

When my mom says I'm a lazy bum.. I really turn to be one... dok kat umah, dok mengadap internet, tv and tido.. that's all I do..

Nk kuar shopping, duit ada but then gotta save for the Jakarta/Bandung trip nxt week.. so can't go shopping here, when I'm actually dying to do so.. I really2 want to go to Pavillion... seriously I do!! But on weekdays, everyone's working.. and my weekend is occupied up to when classes starts again. Bosan giler!!!

I need a spa.. a relaxing spa.. not that I'm not relaxed enough now.. haha. I need to use up my camera, go to the Bird Park or FRIM or sumthing n take pictures of all sorts of stuff..

Bosan, bosan & BOSAN!!!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Pain in the A*s

The pain is real... right there, down there... not IN there... but somewhere at the end of the spine.

Tomorrow is the doctor's appointment.. wait.. not tomorrow.. in 8 hours time.. yeapp... hope there's nothing serious, though I must admit.. watching movies or sitting in the couch or even driving is not as fun as it used to when your ass is all painful when you move or stand up.. God help me... let this be just a normal pain that will go away with some medicines and not anything severe...


On another note... a few people are being a pain in the ass (literally) this past few days.. Like come on.. do I LOOK like a sugar mommy to you? DO I?? I ty to get to know guys.. and the 1st thing they ask after a few phone calls (which I had to do the calling) is to ask for credit top-ups. Those jerks... and some even have the nerve to msg me to ask me for money.. 'to borrow' as they say.. yeah.. watever!!! U're not like my boyfriend or watever... Then.. ajak org kluar... but I end up having to pay for dinner, for the movies.. and kononnya nak tunjuk baik... they help pay for the parking ticket.. which is like a freaking RM1 ringgit je!!! Bodoh manusia2 sekalian...

Giler la some guys nowadays.. playing up on woman like that... tak malu langsung!!! Bodoh and eeee!!! Idiot giler!!! I fired them up all right.. gave a stern message to leave me alone. Ngaha!!! Rasekan... nk pergunakan girls like that.. huhh... pantang tok nenek moyang aku la!!!

Where are all the decent guys out there?? Well.. adela.. my friends are like those... which is why I stick to them... but their friends.. that's that.. no further relationship... Sheesh... Where's my prince charming? My Edward Cullen, my Prince Henry, my Drover, my McDreamy & McSteamy???

Still waiting...

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


My bottom hurts...

sounds funny.. but it ain't... I can't sit for too long without feeling the pain...
Could there be something wrong? tersalah urat or sumthing?

Should be seeing a specialist by this week or nxt... haritu gi clinic, but the doctor just gave me a pain killer.. didn't work though...

Hopefully nothing serious la.. dah 2 bulan rase sakit ni... especially when I sit down for too long or mase driving... i might need to bring a cushion, nxt time i go to class.. nk bgn pun rase sakit... Could be the effect of my fall 3 yrs ago, mase jatuh rollerblade in welly...

Doakan everythings ok and there's nothing serious...

Takut n nervous... but trying to stay positive despite the many negative feedbacks...


Bosan sorang2...

I need someone to hold me down...

No more scandals...

No more acquaintances

I need SOMEONE...

2 years going on 3 years is not an easy thing for me... I'm getting older by the day...

"Shut up and stop complaining... enjoy single life!!" People say... " The right person will come... be patient" Others have said...Damn you... 3 years is freaking toooooo long!!! Especially when the previous one was not even close as being a true relationship.. that jerk...

Where art thou, SOMEONE???

I need to turn my life around...

Friday, November 13, 2009

What would you do???

Tadi dkt AXN, they showed this one series called "What Would You Do?".. it was about how we react or don't on the things that happen around us.

There were two most shocking videos that they showed.. and mmg teruk giler.. one video showed these people lining up nk order pizza... n then suddenly one couple kulit hitam ni cari gaduh ngan one hispanic guy.. padehal hispanic guy tu xde buat ape pun.. n the boyfriend ni pergi tumbuk that guy bertalu2.. n what did the rest of the onlookers do? Tengokkkkk jer.. tak menjerit suruh stop ke.. atau tolong mamat yg kene tumbuk tu.. just tengok je.. siap leh bisik2 kat each other lg... no one did anything until the police arrived. I assume the manager of the pizza place tu la kot yg call. Giler trok kan.. I mean u see a guy being beaten up ntah brape puluh kali.. n u leh tengok je mcm xde ape2.. dgn muke sardin camtu.. Ish.. xberhati perut langsung..

The nxt video was even worse.. it was a small road.. in the middle of the pekan.. and this 70 yrd old man kene langgar kreta... hit n run... no one went to help him.. the cars yg lalu lalang pun x stop... derang dtg keliling that guy and tenung je that guy... siap ade satu motorcyclist ni.. bwk motor die pelan je lalu kat that old man.. tp xde buat ape2. N that old man had a head injury and was bleeding thru the head.. Only one lady had the guts to call the ambulance.. and sambil tunggu tu.. no one did anything.. sampai la a police car came to the scene... Sadly, the old man died before they could rush him to the hospital, because of hi non-stop bleeding at the head. Then they interviewed that man punye son.. n he was crying like a baby... and saying " my father loved to help people.. and when he was dying.. no one even lift a finger". The son even came out with a campaign to find the person who hit his father.. but not many people cooperated with him and the local authorities.. so sampai skrg la they don't know who the killer is.

Gosh... what would you do? If it was me.. I would have helped the old man.. and in terms of that hispanic guy being hit.. I might have called the cops earlier or something.. rather then just tengok n do nothing. I hope we Malaysians aren't like that la... Skrg ni mmg nampak Malaysians are caring and help one another... (yelaa.. sampai org on d opposite road accident, org lain yg dok sebok stop n see sampai traffic jam.. haha!!)

Let's be more caring to one another n the society and think of what it would be like if we were in the shoes of those helpless and in need...

Saturday, November 7, 2009


Exam... done

Now?? Cuti for a month n a half!!! yeeeaaaaayyyyyyyyy!!!
Mari kite berjimba wamba!!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


I deserve someone better...

But somehow I think I might get stuck on you...


Maybe I haven't been looking far enough... I'm just concentrating on someone who's within my comfort zone.. cannot... cannot... have to go outside!!! Sheeessshhh...

Silence is Silver

People say silence is golden...

It is when there was too much noise around before... But when there is too much of silence.. things get kinda awkward and u long for that noise to come in... even a tweet or a grunt would do. But now? Nothing.. no word.. no hiccup.. nada.. It's been 2 weeks. Well.. except for a couple of e-mails that has been forwarded on and on...

I guess they truly don't want me in their life now... they truly want to throw me away and not be my friends anymore.

I don't know what to do when 20th November comes.. the day all of us are suppose to get together to welcome back our best friend who's coming home from Auckland. All of us were invited to come to KLIA and give a warm welcome home to him... all of us including them. But they don't seem to want to be there. I dunno. If they are there.. how should I react? Like I've never met them before? Like an old friend? or like an enemy/threat to them?

This is sad... this is very sad. Thank God that my mind is occupied with all the things I need to settle now.. at least I don't think about them much.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Presentations & silly people

Two presentations done... 4 more to go... giler ah... i could go cuckoo any second with all these assignments and tests and presentations. But i will prevail!!!

By the way.. recently, I was talking to a few of my friends, and I told them how busy my schedule was having taken MBA. Which is in fact true.. I hardly have the time to go out that much now.. but yeah, I guess that's the sacrifice I've gotta go through when I put myself in MBA, right? So my intentions of letting my friends know was for them to merely listen and understand why I'm so busy and have little time for them now. Then adela sipolan2 ni.. whom said "Tulaaaa... siapa suruh u amik MBA.. kan dah bising2!!"

Lg satu bengang bile I kate I xcukup duit n stuff kalo nk spend as lavish as I did mase kerja dulu... itupun derang kate the same thing "Tulaa.. dulu dah elok ade gaji.. duit banyak.. skrg dah quit.. budget2 plak..." Dude... dah jd student kot... lain la kalo aku ni anak millionaire ke billionaire ke... bleh kot nk spend gile2... I'm matured enough already to think that I have to budget myself nowadays.. especially when I'm a student now.

What d hell? Who are you to say that? I mmg nk amik MBA and I know what the consequences are of it... so just because i don't have time to go out with you guys or even contact you guys, xyah la nk ckp camtu... ingat senang ke what we're going through? Budus tul... I just bgtau jer yg I penat n stuff.. yela.. mmg stressful n what not.. and of course.. sape yg x bising kan??? but to have a friend or family to say that to you makes it all worse.. it's as if kite ni buat bende yg membebankan diri sendiri... je.. or dlm erti kate lain.. cari pasal.

Excuse me.. sekurang2nya I'm one step ahead of you... I busy ke ape ke.. when I graduate with my MBA.. I'm better off kot.. and I'll prove it to you guys! I will!!! Yg sebenaryne.. some ppl are just jealous of kelebihan org lain.

P/S: this is intended to those yg kate bende2 tu kat I je.. yg xde ckp ape2.. or yg menyokong I amik MBA.. xyah terase.. kroang are the best in terms of the support and understanding you guys gave me...

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Never Again...

Would have given up my life for you guess it's true what they say about love it's blind
Boy you lied straight to my face looking in my eyes
and I believed you causeI loved you more than life and all you had to do was apologize
You didn't say you're sorry
I don't understand
you don't care that you hurt me and
now I'm half the man that I used to be when it was you and me
you didn't love me enough my heart may never mend but you'll never get to love me again

Sadness has me at the end of the line helpless watched you break this heart of mine
and loneliness only wants you back here with me
common sense knows that you're not good enough for me
and all you had to do was apologize and mean it
You didn't say you're sorry
I don't understand you don't care that you hurt me and now
I'm half the man that I used to be when it was you and me
you didn't love me enough my heart may never mend but you'll never get to love me again

Wish like hell I could go back in time
maybe then I could see how forgiveness says that I should give you one more try but it's too late it's over now
You didn't say you're sorry I don't understand
you don't care that you hurt me andnow
I'm half the man that I used to be when it was you and me you didn't love me enough
my heart may never mend but you'll never get to love me again

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Chentan Cintan...

Bosan dgr pasal chenta2 ni... Menyampah pun ade. Sometimes xlarat nk advice or dgr my friends complaint about their relationship and what not.

Tapi.. deep in my heart... teringin nak rase chenta balik.. chenta yg xterhingga that makes u grin without realising and makes your heart soar high up in the air. I believe now that if u love somebody and u respect that someone.. you'd go through all lentghs to be beside that person.. not infront, not at the back.. but just there beside him and go through the rough n toughness of life together. Tolerance and understanding... and excepting weaknesses of each other and building up those weaknesses into strentgh is what brings the best out of a relationship. I have yet to get the opportunity to experience that now and apply what I've learnt through other people into mine.

The guy of my heart is coming... not so sure when he'll arrive though. Maybe in November or December when I can start thinking more clearly. Yeah.. make it December la.. ngehehehe.. Aminnnn...

Monday, September 28, 2009


I just noticed that at least 3 of my previous post was about my assignments... sah-sah aku dah gile... besok tuka topic please... bosan uhh!!!

bg topic korang.. bagi, bagi.. kite membebel pasal bende lain...


Periods, cramps, headaches, tests, assignments, presentations.. a true October Tragedy... or bak kate Bee, nk nyanyi lagu ni "Wake me up.. when October ends".. hahaha

Xlarat woo... a person can only take in too much before they start to babble away and merepek. 21 assignments, tests n presentations all within 5 weeks...

Kopi O... Nadeeya Macho... Coca-Cola Seven Up, come on Nadeeya, don't give up!!!
(maser bile tah I macho.. I'm hot ok!!! Hahahaha...)

Hopefully this is all worth it at the end... hopefully I can pass with flying colours.. hopefully all my classmates pun bleyh pass with flying colours so that I could get the same awesome classmates next semester (minus pakcik berjanggut dan suke tunjuk bulu dada tu.. eewww.. annoying la die skrg...)

I want a boyfriend!!! Lalala~

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Selamat Hari Raya



I am this close to fanning a white flag above my head and say.. I've had enough with assignments!!! I surrender!!!

But I know I'm more than that and I'm better than that. I'm gonna prove to people that I can get this masters, by hook and by crook.. then comes in the $$$. It's all worth it in the end.. I hope.
Anyone want to do my assignments for free??? Takers? Anyone? No?... Whhyyyyy??? Assignments n tests are fun y'know!!! (Duhhh)

Stress =


or suicide???

Muahahahaha... huhuhuhuhuuwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

Friday, September 4, 2009


I love doing my masters.. I love studying all over again and this time prove that I can do better than what I did in my degree. I scored badly in degree.. and I'm not going to let that happen again. I'm going to score with flying colours for my masters.. yep.. that's gonna happen. You'll see.

But then... the non-stop assignments and tests is kinda getting to my head. Can't let that happen. I need strength. I need my dose of Coca-Cola and Red Bull.. just to get me high.. oowhh.. n m&m's..

I will prevail!!!

Friday, August 21, 2009


Ramadhan is tomorrow..

To all my friends and family.. Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan.. Semoga setiap perbuatan kita dirahmati Tuhan, InsyaAllah..


8 years of driving, last Tuesday however, was my 1st accident. Luckily, nothing bad happened to me.

Only my beloved car's front bumper was dent and the headlights crack. Operation on my car will be done in a few days, thus I will not be driving him for a week or two. I call it a him because he is the only boyfriend I have at the moment. Freaking hot boyfriend I have!! Putih melepak, muscular, powerful, gentleman.. sings good music.. kemek jer sket.. xpe, pasni gi repair eh.. look nice for Raya.. huhu..

Alhamdulillah I'm ok.. I just had a headache for 2 days.. maybe sbb tegang urat mase ermergency brake tu. Owh.. how did I got into the accident? Lambat brake kreta mase tgh traffic jam in front of one utama-got distracted by a fly-lupe nk brake-bamm!!!

Luckily the driver of the car in front of me x marah.. of course la.. not his car pun.. his company car la.. and the damage to his car was not as bad as mine. Huhu.. Even the police men were nice to me. I guess sbb muke I pucat gile.. siap pakai baju kurung putih.. so ala2 gadis melayu suci gitu..

Though after the incident.. I've been extra cautious when driving.. kecut perut sentiasa.. and then mase ni la everyone nk drive like a drunk person. Even the huge truck drivers... giler la takut!

Experience of an accident, even how small it could be, makes u a better driver-sometimes... bak kate my dad.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

The feeling is back...

That feeling has come back... I don't hate it.. But I'm not comfortable with it.. Coz it makes me quiete..

Here I am in my room at 2:30 in the morning... Can't sleep n blogging thru my phone. Been waiting for the phone to ring or beep.. but it hasn't.. Silly of me... I should sleep, but I can't help but keep thinking.. Thinking of this feeling of loneliness that has loom over me for the past 3 years or so..

I know what ppl say.. Just be patient, and the right guy will come your way.. Don't rush.. The thing is, there's nothing to even rush about because there's no one to rush on... I still haven't found that special someone who will capture my heart and fall head over heels for me.

It does feel lonely after what seems to be 2 yrs of single life.. In fact, to be honest, the last time I actually felt in love and being loved at by a guy was in 2005.. the final 2 yrs of my relationship with my ex was a turmoil... Not feeling appreciated n loved.. It was just merely hanging there because the both of us just won't let go.. Even though the love was deteriorating.. Maybe it was d ego that kept us going.

After that.. Here I am now... Guys I meet seem to be intimidated by me because of my education n my family background.. am i at fault of having a good education n a good family?? Why be intimidated?? some say they feel challenged by my background.. Hrmm.. Wonder when there'll be a guy who won't be intimidated and take the challenge as a gentleman wishing to fight it for my love... God.. Sounds so classic.. Haha..

The Secret book mentioned about listing the criteria of the guy I want in my life.. And if I focus on it.. Maybe the right guy will come my way soon.. So here it goes. (wish me luck!):

1. Loving
2. Responsible
3. Understanding
4. Tolerant
5. Smart (doesn't need to have a higher education, but just smart)
6. Stable
7. Good looking (doesn't mean handsome.. Just good looking will do.. Though handsome would be a plus)
8. At least 175cm's and above.
9. Able to guide me in religion as well as in life
10. Independent financialy
11. Independent on almost everything but wants me to be at his side to boost his spirits up.
12. Is head over heels in love with me and adores me.
13. A family guy
14. Loves kids
15. Loves animals
16. Funny
17. Appreciative of everything around him including n especially me.
18. Healthy and well built.
19. Has a nice set of teeth.
20. Respects people

I know this guy will come soon. I can feel it that he's not that far away.. I sense his presence, but I am yet to find out who he is. I love him already and I miss him... Dunno who.. But I have all this, waiting for him to come into my life.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Stand up

When everything seems to fall down,
when everyone seems to care less...
when you find that things are not going smooth like it used to...
Then you realise that there is nothing more important for you than to stand up to what you believe in, stand up to make you stronger.
To stand up and take control of your own life, and not letting those around you bring you down.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Air Asia: Now Everyone can fly with bad service

Yup... I don't like Air Asia.. and I'm not afraid to say it...
I will only take Air Asia if I have no other choice of flights to take...
Why? Let's just say me and my family and friends have experienced bad service...

You often wonder why the flight tickets are freaking cheap... thats because along the way, they have hidden costs all over the place, and when you add them all up, it comes to the same thing and sometimes even much more expensive than normal airlines.

I took my 1st Air Asia flight last year... Singapore bound... thought it would be good... well.. I was extremely dissapointed.

Mommy had a conference in Singapore and she booked her flight a week before I booked mine, since I was still not sure whether I would be able to follow her that time.

As for travelling ease, we decided to share one big bag... tottalling to 20kg. Now, on Air Asia, each passenger is allowed only 15kg of luggage weight. Thinking that we were travelling together, 20kg should be ok... since 2 passengers means a quota of 30kg, or so we assume.
We were checking in our bag when the ticket officer said that our luggage had an overweight of 5kg.

"Hey... 15kg per person right? this is 10kg underweight"... we argued. And the ticket officer told us that because we booked our flight seperately, our bags are considered to be seperate as well, meaning 2 bags.. What stupid kind of system is this? If this is really the situation, they should at least explain it in the freaking website... we argued with the ticket officer.. and he said he couldn't do anything as that was their system.. and he charged us a freaking RM150 (Rm30 per kilo over)... cis, belum ape2 lagi we have to spend that much for our bags. No wonder Air Asia makes money... they charge for overweight bags like mad.

Not to mention the expensive food and beverages on the flight.. or what about those stewardess with red hair and tight fitting short skirts? Is this how an airline represents Asia? Wearing sexy clothes? Ni tahap skirt pendek yg x sempat tonggek ok... If they really want to have a skirt as a costume, at least have it knee length or right below the knee... Even western airlines punye stewardess uniform pun tak sexy mcm ni... pastu ngan rambut panjang, blonde la, merah la... so unproffesional looking... yang paling best.. dahla skirt pendek nk mampus.. ade plak belah kat blakang kan... OMG... malu ok!!! This is so not how you represent Asia!!!

That was my 1st experience, and a very bad experience indeed.. owh, did I mention the 30 minute delay of the flight? I heard that 30 mins is not that bad... some passengers had to wait the whole day, even sleeping in the airport, just waiting for their delayed flight. Giler ke ape?

Now, last month, my uncle's wife's father... senang sebut, my auntie's father passed away (Al-Fatihah to Arwah Tok Adam) in Malaysia. Her parents are from Medan, Indonesia... so when he died, the Jenazah was brought back to Medan via Malaysian Airlines since that was the only flight available to take the body back to Medan. But my auntie, her mom n her children went on Air Asia. The flight was to be at 5pm. They arrived late at LCCT, due to the hectic arrangements of the jenazah to be flown back to Medan, because of immigration arrangement's and stuff. They arrived at 4.30pm... and rushed to the departure gate, shocked to find out that the gate was already closed... okla.. boleh diterima since International flight nyer boarding time is usually earlier then domestic... but this was regarding something unexpected, a family member who died and the family rushing to get home, to not miss the funeral.

The officers wouldn't let my auntie and her family in. The whole family was crying, almost everyone i the airport saw what happened, and the officer simply said " Kami nak buat cemane lagi? dah x boleh buat ape2 la... flight dah nk berlepas" with a sour face.. can you imagine that??!! Org tu bapak die dah mati and awak sbg flight officer bleh buat muke kerek mcm tu? At least have some sympathy to the poort family laaa... Plus, the plane was still there.. takkan derang tak boleh call up the captain and hold up the flight skejap... ni bukan org yg mengada2 nk lambat datang.. bende yg xboleh nk dielak ok!!! And... the best thing was.. the flight departed at 4.45pm!!! Woiii!!! When on the ticket it says departure at 5pm, you're suppose to depart at 5pm!! No earlier! That is against the regulations la!!!

Fine... dah tak cukup dengan tak bagi my auntie n her family masuk flight, the flight departing early, the officer buat muka kerek n selamba... guess what? They charged her and her family with cancellation cost and additional cost for the next available flight!!!!!!! OMG... this is too much. How can you do that to a person. What if that situation happened to you? What if it was your father or mom who died and someone treated you like this?? How would you feel??? The sad part was that, by the time my auntie n her mom n her children arrived, jenazah dah ditanam. The Jenazah couldn't wait because Arwah died the night before, so they had to tanam as soon as it reached there. The family couldn't stop crying, and is still saddened by the situation until now. We are all very dissapointed with the treatment Air Asia gave them..

Ni baru our experience with Air Asia... bayangkan how many others are out there? People just don't seem to mention it because of the cheap flights.. and some are just not aware of the rights of consumers and how customers should be treated.. that's why we don't hear a lot of ppl complaining.

Yes, we understand Air Asia being cheap as well... but seriously, to be reputable as an airline with bad service?? Is that how Air Asia wants to potray itself? mentang2 murah... so service pun mcm nak tanak je?? is that it?? Just because ramai org naik the flight because of it's cheapr price, doesn't mean you can treat people cheap as well. And what issit with the hidden costs and all? Not showing fuel and tax prices when showing the list of flight times and costs?? RM10 from KL-Johor... sounds cheap... bile tengok... bile masuk fuel and tax... it comes to RM60... yeah, still cheap la... but still, dengan limited luggage quote, dengan charge for food lagi... and not to mention the bad service, it's simply not worth it la...

I am talking as a consumer.. as a customer... this is my view... and a customer's view is very much important. Air Asia do something about this. I am talking on behalf of all other customers who have experience bad service flying with your airline.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Classes @_@

Well.. It's been a week since my MBA classes have started.

So far so good.. have already got 3 mini assignments and 1 presentation to do.. but yeah, I'm coping despite my non stop complaining.. ngahahahaha!!

Made new friends, which is good...

A bit tiring though now, since Mommy has shifted to Puncak Alam. Double time on the road.. coz it takes 30 min from Shah Alam to Puncak Alam, then 45 mins from Puncak Alam to home.. but I guess that's the sacrifice me and daddy has to go through la, since we x bagi mommy drive at all, with her condition n stuff.. dahla the road ti Puncak Alam tu small and so many curves, not to mention the big lorries driving through. Agak dangerous la.

Hopefully menjadi la the driver daddy nk dptkan for mommy tu... that means more cost, but again.. thats the sacrifice we have to deal with.

I have quite a number of things to write la actually, but tangan ni agak keberatan nk type.. hahahaa... Later maybe..

See ya!!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Double Yeaaayyy!!!

I'm soooo happy that everything is back to normal now..

This will be a fresh start of a friendship... 7 weeks aithout you guys was too much.. I'm glad we cleared it all out...

Love you guys... Yeaaaayyyy!!!


Thank You for the Pwessie... I loved it!!!
Happy! Happy!...

Friday, June 26, 2009

Michael Jackson - R.I.P

The news of the death of the world Icon, Michael Jackson, shocked the world, including me. Died just a couple of months away shy from his 51st Birthday.

His songs were streaming almost every radio station, shops as well as tv channels. I couldn't help but shed a tear everytime my favourite song of his went on air.

Such a tragic death.. such a sad life... though he had touch many hearts around the world and inspired millions along his career life.

May he rest in peace, and if it is true that he converted into Islam a few years back, then may Allah bless him.

We will miss you.


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I Miss This... A Lot...

Just let me sulk about it, and recuperate slowly... It's not easy for me...

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Whatever happens,

Even in the most terrible storm,

You my dear friend... are always in my heart,

I will Never want to loose you,

Never in a million years...


Went to register for my Masters yesterday... guess what? Classes start on the 6th of July, and I have 6 subjects!!! Owh... and I don't have to take Economics and Statistics... yeayyyyy!!!

The faculty tersilap bg kat I the 1st few subjects.. those are for students who don't have business backgrounds.. hehe... so I'm down to 1 and half years to do Masters.. hopefully everything goes well...

Wish me luck!!!

Europe - London

Last up was London, spent our last 5 days there.. we didn't do much sight seeing, coz dok sebok shopping je.. hahahaha... London was nice, but I like Paris better.. n of course New York!! Hehe..

We stayed in Bayswater.. okla... the room was tooo small.. but jdla.. utk tempat tido je.. but it was a convenient walk to Halal Restaurants as well as to the bus stop.

Here's some picture's:

The London Eye, went up on it... best2!!

The Engagement Ring of Dodi Al Fayed to the late Diana, in Harrods

Parliament House or House of Commons with Big Ben by the side.

Big Ben... London Bridge je x pegi.. huhu..

With my fav!!! Britney.... lawanyeee.... in Madame Tussauds

Ignore Charles.. I'm with William!!!

Bestnye pelok Shrek... hihi..

With Justin... hotnesss....

The Change of Guards in front of Buckingham Palace

Me in front of Buckingham Palace...

That is all of my Europe Trip... We plan to go to Italy next time.. but just purely Italy.. and maybe Greece... My mom said if I loved Paris, I would love Italy even more... huhu..
Had fun, relax, lotsa shopping and a clear mind... from all the things going through back home.
A trip is always good...

Europe Trip - Paris

Next off, we went to Paris, stayed there for 5 days.. Paris is such a lovely place.. every corner of the city is carved with History. The people are well dressed and everything is so neat.

Walaupun I x paham bahasa derang sgt.. (trok betul.. penat je blaar French for 1 year.. ingat sket2 je in the end.. huhu) but it was just plain lovely.. I could stay there.. hehe..

Eiffel Tower was breath taking, rase nk nangis je tengok.. even went to Musee D Louvre, the museum where Leonardo Da Vinci's famous potrait of Mona Lisa was kept.. ini pun berdebar je tengok... I lost my breath just looking at it.

Here are some pics:

Musee d Louvre, this is Napoleon's Apartment

Imagine a person without a nose.. this is what it'll look like.

The famous Mona Lisa

Adeke tengok sendiri punye!! hahahaha..

Me on the river cruise around Paris

Eiffel Tower at night... absolutely gorgeous!!

Arch Du Triomphe on Champ Elysee

Notre Dame... Hunchback mane?? haha..

Moulin Rouge.. a show cost Euro 100 per person, so we didn't go see it.. huhu..

Eiffel Tower from below..

Eiffel, I'm in Love...

Europe Trip - Amsterdam

Went to Europe with my parents.. got back on Friday...

We were there from the 7th of June till the 18th of June..

Our trip started off in Amsterdam, city with no rules.. you can have sex n drugs n don't get convicted doing it.. hahahhaa... banyak betul coffee shop kat sane yg jual weed.. bile org isap weed tu, pedih giler idung bau.. sampai I pun naik pening2.. huhu.. Coffee shop is where they sell weed, cafe is a normal cafe.. hehe..

Owh, I also met my friend, Alkid with his friend Diana... they brought us jalan2 around Amsterdam. The day after, me n my parents took the day tour around Amsterdam and the Hague (government city)

We stayed in Amsterdam for 4 days.

Here are some pics from Amsterdam:

Holland Cheese!!! Bought one, with pepper in it.. sedap la jugak.. hehe..

This is in Modurodam, the miniature park.. everything is scaled down.. siap ade airport ok!! haha..

The famous clog shoes made out of a special wood.. each one is hand painted.. xdpt bwk balik the big one sbb berat, so bought a miniature one instead.. ngee~
The windmills of Holland...
Sejuk sangat mase kat Amsterdam.. dok hujan n mendung je.. huhu..
Sex museum.. pegi senyap2 ngan Alkid n Diana.. hahahaha... n took this pic below... eeeewww.... :P

D is for Dee2.. at I Amsterdam
At one of the dam's i Amsterdam

Flower market...
Anyone want to tanam Cannabis in their home?? Hahaha...