Today I got an MC, because of an eye nfection.
I woke up this morning, groggy of course.. kate pun monday.. monday blues... dah mandi2, pakai baju semue.. just about to put on my make-up, when my eye rase gatal.. gosok la sket2 kan.., then gi tgk kat cermin.. amikkk.. my eyes were blood shot red... i quickly siap2 and went to the clinic.. called Yee Mei, my supervisor, saying that I would be late..
Waited for the doctor for half an hour.. but was the 1st person in, when she arrived.. hehe.. she asked me a few questions, and checked my eye.. and yeap, I had conjungtivitis.. i duno wether I spelled that correctly.. haha.. Then I asked.. "so, can I go to work??" She replied, "no, I'll be giving u an MC, and where sun glasses if you go out".. ok then.. to home I go back. Called Yee Mei, and we laughed.. pelik betul laa.. mesti ketawa kalo ckp ngan die.. haha.. then Yee Mei said ok, and bleh plak bercerita.. die gi crite that her daugher and husband pun tgh sakit mata, and she herself isn't feeling that well.
Tengah musim orang sakit...
So, dok la kat umah, slept 2 kali, tenghari skali, ptg skali.. watch 2 movies, Norbit and Harry & the Handersons. Nak log on to the net, modem buat hal.. the whole day.. skrg ni pun tgh pakai dial up yg lembab, mengalahkan kura2.. I tell you, If a turtle were to race with the dial up connection, the turtle would reach at least half an hour before the dial up sampai... slow poke..
Anyway, that's the story of my day at home today.. tomorrow, back to work.. gedamm... I know there's like sooo many things to do.. well, not actually a lot, but there's like 2 teleconference, 1 training (the other one was today, but since I'm on MC, so that's outta my list)... there's the online assesment test, which is due on the 27th, and of course the audits and the compiling of files and documents, yada, yada, yada.... and the daily routine of reports and term sheets and sales to be closed of course.
I've actually gotten use to all that.. and I'm proud to say, that I'm getting better at it by the minute. Just haven't had the confidence to do sales yet.. but I'm not expected to.. say that's alright.. no rush to do it, and no push from my supervisor n boss. Ngehehehe...
P/S: My eyes... tula.. gi lg intai Wan mandi.. Wan, gosok lebih2 sket kat blakang tu... owh.. n celah2 situ gak.. kalo x bersih gak.. nanti I dtg bersihkan... owwhhhh.. eeww.. ngahahahaha..
P/S/S: I want to go out and have some fun!!!! Dah more than a week melekat kat umah... bosannye!!! At least for a movie, or a dinner or like, a drink... puh-puhleeaaaassseeee!!!!
me god!!!
u pun...takkan nak bgtau u gi intai wan mandi???
erkkkkkkk yg mata jeling2 kt lubang tu u kerrrr?? grosssssss!!!
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