Friday, December 19, 2008

Perjalananku ke negara jiran..

Tak tersusun la gambar ni... anyway... here's some things that I did in Jakarta & Bandung recently..
Gedung Samudera, Anchol: It's like a mini searworld laa.. so there's some animal shows n stuff.. Ni hippo yg sgt besar.. Huhu.. Hippo pun org bleh train..
The dolphins: My favourite of all times... comel gile... I wish I could swim with 'em

The dolphins sgt graceful... I want a dolphin!!!

Hot springs, Bandung: Here's my dad and my grandparents tgh merendam kaki kat telaga air panas.. panas giler ok!! tapi best... if u look closely, u can see that daddy's feet are already turning red..

Sea world Aquarium: This is during feeding time... byk giler ikan, sampai the divers nk gerak pun susah... and the best part is, the sting rays come and hug and kiss the divers.. saje je nk membodek the divers so that they get the 1st meal... haha

The kambings: they sell them by the road side.. for Qurban... hahahaha.. kesian kambing2 ni..

The Indonesian Menu: Tengokla... pelik kan?? I mean, bahasa derang lain gile.. if we were to read it, we'd laugh... but I guess if the Indonesians read our Menu, they'd laugh too.. Take a look at "Nasi Liwet Komplit"... sounds wrong kan?? Hahaha.. It's actually like nasik berlauk.. but they bungkus dlm daun pisang.. ade ayam, serunding and stuff.. "Gurame Goreng"... It's deep fried fish.. sedap giler ok!!! "Ayam berkakak"???? errr....

What's that???: It's a big bag of red chilis.. org kampung/farmers dok bwk on a bike.. kalo terlepas la kannnn... huhuhu

Aiyooo.... This I cannot tahan.. the pack road... and look at that... sampah bertimbun kat tepi jalan.. mcm tu je... I wonder how the bikers leh tahan the smell.. huhuhu...
Nevertheless, I enjoyed the trip.. owh... I like Jln. General Sudirman kat Jakarta... sgt tersusun ok the buildings on that road... and it's clean... bile mlm lagi cantik, with all the skyscrapers around.. huhu... Best2!! Lenkali nk gi lg... shopping nyer pasal!! Hahahahah...

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