Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Dear you...


I often wonder if you ever read this? If u even care about me n the life I live...
Sometimes I wonder if you do love me.. or it's just for the sake of having someone by your side when you're lonely and need someone to talk with.

I often wonder if you think about me when you do your work.. or is something else in your mind?

Sometimes I wonder if I made the right choice for choosing you.. when in return, I don't really feel loved by you. Yes, when we meet.. you do treat me like a princess. But when we're not together, when you're indulged with your own life... you treat me like a piece of nothing. What is my worth to you, I often wonder?

I hope one, when this is over, that you realise that you made a mistake for not taking the time to be with me when I need you the most... when you feel the lost of not having me in your life.

I hope one day you realise that what you lack was the simple key of showing your appreciation on me.. and because of that... you lost me.

I hope one day you change your ways and show the woman you say you love... that you really love her and u mean what u say.

For now.. I'm still waiting for that change... but I'm not sure for how long my heart can wait.. because each day you become distant from me.. the feelings fade away... let's just hope the feelings aren't lost... or it'll be that day that you regret that you didn't spend a little more time for me.

This is a public confession, because its hard to talk to you personally about this. Plus no one knows who Mr. H is.. it could be just about anyone.

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