Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A day at the Hospital...

Hospitals freak out a lot of people... Including me sometimes..

The smell of medicine and disinfectants linger simultaneously around the hospital, as soon as we step in...

One thing for sure, kalo I tgh anxious kat hospital.. I usually go to the maternity ward n look at babies... Then i okla.. Sbb tgk all the cute babies sleeping in their trolley bed... wraped with blankets... Usually pink for girls n blur for boys... Geram je tgk the babies kan... Hehe...

Hospital food... Bluekkhhh... X sedap!!! Owh but Damansara Specialist has one of the nicest cafeteria food... Nasi lemak die... Aiyooo... Sedap!!! Hahaha...

By d way, I'm at Tawakal Hospital now.. Visiting my Auntie Teh. She went thru some minimal surgery to remove n clean the dead skin cells on her leg. She has diabeties... So it infected her leg.. Plus.. my auntie ni x berpantang sgt.. So trok la gak sakit die tu...

Nenek pun ikut sama.. Mommy gi jumpe auntie's doctor to bincang about whether my auntie can go umrah or not this coming June. I'm here stuck in the hospital ward.. Looking after my auntie as well as nenek.. Hahaha...

Td her IV Tube tercabut in the toilet.. So the toilet penuh darah.. N because I xtahan nk tunggu the cleaner dtg.. N because bau darah tu pun xmenyenangkan... So I cuci the bathroom.. Nasib baik I can stand the sight of blood... Dah abih cuci, I dah rest semue.. Br the cleaner nk dtg. Sabar jela...

Till then...

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