Sunday, June 21, 2009

Europe Trip - Amsterdam

Went to Europe with my parents.. got back on Friday...

We were there from the 7th of June till the 18th of June..

Our trip started off in Amsterdam, city with no rules.. you can have sex n drugs n don't get convicted doing it.. hahahhaa... banyak betul coffee shop kat sane yg jual weed.. bile org isap weed tu, pedih giler idung bau.. sampai I pun naik pening2.. huhu.. Coffee shop is where they sell weed, cafe is a normal cafe.. hehe..

Owh, I also met my friend, Alkid with his friend Diana... they brought us jalan2 around Amsterdam. The day after, me n my parents took the day tour around Amsterdam and the Hague (government city)

We stayed in Amsterdam for 4 days.

Here are some pics from Amsterdam:

Holland Cheese!!! Bought one, with pepper in it.. sedap la jugak.. hehe..

This is in Modurodam, the miniature park.. everything is scaled down.. siap ade airport ok!! haha..

The famous clog shoes made out of a special wood.. each one is hand painted.. xdpt bwk balik the big one sbb berat, so bought a miniature one instead.. ngee~
The windmills of Holland...
Sejuk sangat mase kat Amsterdam.. dok hujan n mendung je.. huhu..
Sex museum.. pegi senyap2 ngan Alkid n Diana.. hahahaha... n took this pic below... eeeewww.... :P

D is for Dee2.. at I Amsterdam
At one of the dam's i Amsterdam

Flower market...
Anyone want to tanam Cannabis in their home?? Hahaha...

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