Friday, November 13, 2009

What would you do???

Tadi dkt AXN, they showed this one series called "What Would You Do?".. it was about how we react or don't on the things that happen around us.

There were two most shocking videos that they showed.. and mmg teruk giler.. one video showed these people lining up nk order pizza... n then suddenly one couple kulit hitam ni cari gaduh ngan one hispanic guy.. padehal hispanic guy tu xde buat ape pun.. n the boyfriend ni pergi tumbuk that guy bertalu2.. n what did the rest of the onlookers do? Tengokkkkk jer.. tak menjerit suruh stop ke.. atau tolong mamat yg kene tumbuk tu.. just tengok je.. siap leh bisik2 kat each other lg... no one did anything until the police arrived. I assume the manager of the pizza place tu la kot yg call. Giler trok kan.. I mean u see a guy being beaten up ntah brape puluh kali.. n u leh tengok je mcm xde ape2.. dgn muke sardin camtu.. Ish.. xberhati perut langsung..

The nxt video was even worse.. it was a small road.. in the middle of the pekan.. and this 70 yrd old man kene langgar kreta... hit n run... no one went to help him.. the cars yg lalu lalang pun x stop... derang dtg keliling that guy and tenung je that guy... siap ade satu motorcyclist ni.. bwk motor die pelan je lalu kat that old man.. tp xde buat ape2. N that old man had a head injury and was bleeding thru the head.. Only one lady had the guts to call the ambulance.. and sambil tunggu tu.. no one did anything.. sampai la a police car came to the scene... Sadly, the old man died before they could rush him to the hospital, because of hi non-stop bleeding at the head. Then they interviewed that man punye son.. n he was crying like a baby... and saying " my father loved to help people.. and when he was dying.. no one even lift a finger". The son even came out with a campaign to find the person who hit his father.. but not many people cooperated with him and the local authorities.. so sampai skrg la they don't know who the killer is.

Gosh... what would you do? If it was me.. I would have helped the old man.. and in terms of that hispanic guy being hit.. I might have called the cops earlier or something.. rather then just tengok n do nothing. I hope we Malaysians aren't like that la... Skrg ni mmg nampak Malaysians are caring and help one another... (yelaa.. sampai org on d opposite road accident, org lain yg dok sebok stop n see sampai traffic jam.. haha!!)

Let's be more caring to one another n the society and think of what it would be like if we were in the shoes of those helpless and in need...

1 comment:

ladysue said...

I saw that too! crazy kan? sume mmg sardin abis tgk org tu kena tumbuk..dhla he sed his first penumbuk tu caused a concussion already...n the guy kept on hitting him! tak bersalah langsunggggg.

crazy man!