Monday, October 20, 2008

I was tagged by Ellie and Wan!!!!

Due kali I kene tagged, due kali my name was the 1st on the list.. that means something.. means tha I have to do this thinga-ma-jig...

Rule#1 People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any 1 question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.

RULE #2 Tag 5 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by and continue this game by sending it to other people.


1. If your lover betrayed you, what will be your reaction be?
I'm not the type to revenge on someone... I'll just let it be.. but deep inside, giler hurt dowh... depends how much I care for that person, I'll probably cry it out, and feel much better the next day... hahaha

2. How romantic are u?
Hrmm... I dunno... sometimes I'm cold as Ice.. sometimes I'm a hopeless romantic.. depends la... Kate pun Gemini, split personalities.. hahahaha

3. Whose butt would you like to kick?~
Owh... customer yang itu dan yang itu... dan colleague yang itu dan itu... hahahaha

4. What would you do with a million dollars?
RM10ok for charity.. teringin nak buat orphanage yg elok for those kids yg I tgk kat poster tu.. yg umah orphanage derang mcm nk runtuh and terok sgt.. would love to see a good place for them to live in.
RM300k - beli apartment/umah due biji, kalo xcukup, letak as downpayment n pandai2 la sambung bayar loan, pastu buat investment, rent it of ke...
RM200k - Nak buka Cafe please.... ngehehehe... from there, buat catering... pastu agak2 dah maju... try bukak chalet or boutique hotel plak.
RM50k each for daddy n mommy... suke ati derang nk wat ape with the money.. hehe
RM300k for myself, savings, shopping, investment... semue cukup... Ngee~~ Owh2... nak bawak my parents gi holilday... kat Europe, pastu kat South Africa then South America, L.A and Las Vegas, and Australia, and Fiji... oi... cukup kaaa???? Hahahahahha....

5. Will you fall in love with your best friend?~
Fate lies in the hands of God, but we can do something about that fate, or just let it be... but nothing will happen without a push-start, right? It depends la... But at the mean time, takde kot.

6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
~Being loved by someone... I haven't felt that feeling for a wayyyy long time.. I mean, by my family n friends, yes.. but by someone special, no.. so yeah, it is better to be loved than love. It is better to love and lost, then never love at all... eh wait.. lari dah tu.. hahaha

7. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
~ As long as I can tahan la... Gemini's are impatient.. if the wait too long, they might just grab watever comes next... hahahahahahaha...

8. If the person you secretly love is already attached, what would you do?
Kalo ade jodoh, tak kemane... but isn't it a waste of time to wait for someone who is already in love with someone else??

9. What do you pray each day for your loved ones?
~ I pray that each of them are blessed each day with the happiness and the dreams that they have wanted.

10. What would u do if meeting Anita Sarawak in person?
~ Soalan ape ni Wan??? Tuka2...:
10.. What do you feel like doing right this moment??
Hang out with my friends by a beach... gi holiday ke... bosan laa... hahahaha

11. Do u think u r sexy?
~ I got boobs and I got butt... that's all I can say... no, I dun feel sexy... pretty, yes... sexy?? Hrmm... tak kot..

12. What age u will have a baby?
~ As soon as 6 months after I get married, whenever I get married, I want to go preggers... hahahaa...

13. What kind of person do you think who tagged you is?
~ Ellie: My sayang kilat2 prada... she is a wonderful friend, that is there for you and slaps you in the face when u're lost... hypothetically speaking la slap tu kan... if she slaps me, i slap her back.. hahaha... Lap u Ellie!!!
Wan: He is ever so gorgeous, loving n caring.. Sayang Wan!!!
Both of them are one of the reason I smile each day.

14. Would you rather be single but rich married but poor?
~ married but poor... I dun wanna be rich alone... die rich but lonely... giler sedih..

15. What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?
~ Check h/p: kot2 la ade msg ke miss call mase I was in dreamland... On working days, tros masuk bilik air and do my thing, on weekends, believe it or not... bangun2 jer, bukak pintu cari orang dlm umah.. hhahahaha....

16. Do u think you will still be a virgin until u get married?
~ I nak pitam gak macam Wan.... Haihhhssss *pengsan*

17. What is your kissing type?
~ Ask those that I have kissed... Ngee~~

18. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing that someone has done?
~I will forgive, but I will never forget...

19. What your favourite game?
~Monopoly... but skarang no time la... A good monopoly game takes 2 hours tauuu.... mane ade time...

20. What is your favourite kuih raya?
~Kuih Bawang ngan anything that has chocolate... I'm not picky.. as long as there's chocs in there, I mamam... hihihi

Who to tag??? I nak tag org yg xde blog gak.. so they have to open one as well.. hahahahaha!!!


ellie said...

I lof u too!!!


Anonymous said...

hahaha! labiu dee...u ngok x jawapan i???