Monday, October 20, 2008

The story of Mr. Syazwan's hair...

Exhibit A:
Once upon a time, Ms. Nadeeya got to know a friend by the name of Schatz or Syazwan... this was his hairtsyle on the early month of January... Long and unruly... here he is with his cousin, Arif. We were at genting this time... his hair flyed everywhere when we got on the rides... mengalahkan rambut pompuan.. but it was nice... until....

Exhibit B:
...This is what it looks like if Mr. Syazwan ties his hair... my cousin, whom I believe is too small to judge a person's hair, said he looks like Hang Tuah, my answer to my cousins comment: a great big laugh that brought me to tears. Here is Mr. Syazwan with his friends, Rose and Tini.

Exhibit C:
In the months of February, Mr. Schatz had an incling to do something with his hair... owh, he likes to wear caps.. so with his unruly hair, this is what he looked like when he wears a cap. Notice the wild hair going underneath there... It was minutes after a disastrous hairdo that made Ms. Nadeeya laugh so hard, she couldn't breath...

Refer Exhibit D:
Behold horror no.1!!! Aaaaaaarrrrrgggghhhhh!!! The quest to try and error... this, my friends, is definitely a big ERROR!!! Alas, I must admit, that his hair was silky smooth... for about 15 mins..

Exhibit E (owh... I'm cruel... Muahahahahaha!!!)
In early May, the trial and error phase has gone hay-wire, where Mr. Syazwan insists, that curling his hair would make him look cool... Ms. Nadeeya and Mr. Aral was left speechless. It was a good thing that the facial that Ms Nadeeya got while waiting for the hair-perming session, proved succesful in making her carve the slightest smile.. but still, speechless... followed by laughs from her and Mr. Aral that was incredibly evil, and shook the whole car. Mr. Syazwan almost went to tears...

Exhibit F:
Mr. Syazwan had to enter a new working phase, thus went the horrifying hairdo... snip, snip went the scissors, and tadaaaa... a new short n curly wurly hair comes out! Good thing it was adorable..

Exhibit G:
The nerd comes alive... a bit more snips here n there after a couple of months, and he curly hair was gone, and here comes the nerdy hair-do... but hey, at least it's much better than those two hairstyles..

Exhibit H:

Now, doesn't Mr. Syazwan look all nice and smart... the hair grows to all the right length and directions. Mr Syazwan looks normal again.

Exhibit I:

The latest into the hair phase: Mr. Syazwan has a hobby... his hobby is to try everything, then complain that it's all wrong. But then, I'm not quite sure what he was thinking when he decided to cut his hair this short... It made him look like a naughty lil' kid... and more like his small brother..

What new hairstyle will come out next from our Mr. Syazwan?? Want to find out? Hold on to your seats, and let's go through the ride, let's say... for a few more months in the future.

Till then... Ms. Nadeeya will be blogging on other things than her friends hair, and hoping she doesn't have a crazy hair phase like her dear friend herself.

P/S: Mr. Syazwan... I love u still and you're still my friend, no matter what hairstyle you have...


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