Sunday, October 26, 2008

Seksanya braces..

Terok, terok... harini, I went to the dentist.. lame gak la kali ni.. as normal, the dentist would bukak the wire, n replace it with a new, shorter one. This time, he added something else...
Two brackets behind my 2 front teeth, so that I would bite on to that, instead of my 'lelangit'.

These brackets, sesungguhnya tak lawa langsung..

It looks as if I have two teeth behind my front teeth... burok giler ok.. plus, because of that, my mulut xleh tutup rapat. my gigi atas n bawah tak bertemu, making chewing food harder. Dr dah kate, I can't eat hard food for a few days, so I gotta stick to soft food... Dahla time raya.. mcm ni lak..

And because my teeth don't meet, I can't enjoy my food.. I can chew just a bit of it, and swallow the food whole. Td almost tercekik ikan bilis... sounds funny kan?? But it's really sad.. now my mouth sangat la lenguh, and lenguh tu trase sampai ke tengkuk, n I can't speak properly... I keep sluring words... susah tul... tension... but hey, no pain no gain, so I guess I have tp put up with this.

At least I need to use those 2 brackets only for 2 months or so... then the Dr. will remove it, once my teeth dah selari.. Ishhh... tensi2..

Owh, n the worse part is... I x reti nk senyum.. kalo tunjuk gigi, nampak that ugly thing behind tu, kalo smile my normal smile, it looks as if i senyum terpaksa... or tgh meneran... haihhh...

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