Monday, January 5, 2009

Today in Menara...

Today is the the 1st day I start in meanra OCBC under the Branch distribution department, and it's sub-dept: Performance & Troubleshooting Management... ye.. saye akan shoot org kalo derang x buat kerja mengikut time frame n x follow up ngan keje2 derang.. muahahaha!!!

Tapi saye juge akan kene shoot kalo saye sendiri x buat keje saye.. so better saye shoot org lain dulu..

The not so good thing today is that I have a cold.. not such a good 1st impression to the bosses, coming in for the 1st day, sick... but then again, it's human nature.. I seriously don't remember main ujan or what not, but maybe I got the germs from a few of my friends who weren't feeling well recently..

Today was a bit slow.. I still didn't have excess to a few things yet, so I didn't do much but settle my self down... stationeries pun x cukup lagi, coz one of the girls yg handle the stationeries n stuff, was on leave.. huhu..

Lunch pun sorang2.. sigh... takpe.. I will survive! I will prevail!!!


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