Monday, July 21, 2008

Pasta Rama..

I cooked Fettucini Olio Aglio for dinner tonite. Dah lame x buat... best2.. tapi cam keras... or is it because of my braces.. hahaha..

Owh, and grilled fish fingers gak. Not the same with Pam's.. but oklaa...

Work was not tiring, but not fun.. boring.. sunyi sepi.. but no problems. Harini 2 org je kat Premier Banking. Lg 2 org on leave...

I read Time's magazine while waiting to go back.. and the article was about Nelson Mandela, the famous former South African leader. He talked about leadership and the 8 ways of being a leader. Didn't quite remember what the 8 thing were, but I'll copy 'em down and right it in here tomorrow, if I don't forget. Of course, Mandela's words and advice are very good and inspiring to a lot of ppl...

Owh.. my head is heavy.. I'm too sleepy to write anything more. Till tomorrow...

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