Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Memang confused...

Office I ni kan... mmg confused... n suke bg org confused.... Now I dah bertambah confused, on what position I have to take.. I was offered another 2 position, other than becoming a Relationship Manager, because they still think I'm too new n not enough experience to become an RM... huhu... Now I have to choose whether to remain in the branch and stick to what I do know.. which is becoming everyones secretary or do admin work in HQ or become a Dual Currency Specialist cum advisor... sounds nice.. but x larat la nak tengok forex movement every minute for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week kan... huhhh....

See how it goes la.. had a talk with my parents and some of my friends.. and I'm already leaning towards taking the Branch Distribution position kat HQ... kene gi situ, then pegi la.. nk wat cemane.. huhu...

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