Monday, June 7, 2010

In a weeks time.

In a weeks time, well in 5 days to be exact, I turn 27. It's over the quarter century age.. and closer to 30. Sheesh.

I often wonder what I've done for the past 27 years in my life, that I'm proud off and regretted off. A lot.

Wouldn't want to bore you people out with the list of things I did in the past. It would take days to finish. But I can say that I'm proud to have done what I've done, and those things that I regretted doing, I don't regret them anymore, because that's what made me a better person, the one I am today and a wiser person at that.

Though I must say 2010 is a good year for me. In love, in health, in family n friends... and experience. And I hope, the next years to come will be good for me, even better I believe.

I realized that throwing away negative thoughts and thinking positive and looking at the brighter side of life has made it better. I just learned to grasp this a few weeks back and it has helped me a lot in so many ways. I've learnt that the more we complain, the more unwanted things come our way. If we look at our problems from a different angle and remind ourselves that we are lucky things couldn't get any worse, helps too.

Positive energy makes us stronger and more confident in life and we shouldn't be afraid of what life has got for us. We should put our heads up high n believe in ourselves that we can go through anything and achieve our dreams. When we look down at people and look at their bad side, we're actually reflecting ourselves, and in turn, that doesn't make us a better person than that person. So that, I am trying not to say anything bad about anyone anymore, because we don't know who they really are inside, and everyone behave's and reacts in a certain way for a reason and that's the same for us.

Another thing I learnt was to be filled with gratitude to those around us. People and things... I try to wake up each morning to Thank God for everything I have, and for everything I will have in the future, may it turn me into a better person.

I've recently started to recite The Quran again, even though I'm struggling quite a bit after a long time of leaving it, I still feel a sense of calmness when I read the sentences with the help of the Ustaz. I've also managed to take my 1st helicopter flight a few days back, and in 10 days time, InsyaAllah will take my 1st scuba diving lessons. To some people, these things are nothing.. something typical. But to me, it's an accomplishment that I am proud of.

In 7 months time, I'll get thru my MBA and start working again, and in between, there are many other dreams I am aiming to achieve, before moving on to 28. Let's see how that goes. For now, I'll enjoy beeing 26+ for the next 5 days, and then, have the best 27 years of age I could.

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