Sunday, June 22, 2008

Are we RUDE??

Posted 26th June 2006:

For this blog... i'd prefer to post in in Manglish.. ye la kan.. kot kot la org lain bace, at least derang tak paham sgt.. hahaha..

Anyway, baru-baru ni kat dlm surat khabar, heboh mengatakan (skemanye...) yg dlm Reader's Digest, K.L was voted the 3rd rudest city in the world. Betulke review ni? Well.. meh kite tengok dari pandangan kite sendiri sebagai rakyat Malaysia.. betul atau tidak sangkaan orang.

Mula2... kite kutuk orang lain dulu.. haahahaha... org yg buat survey ni pun bengong.. buat based on a few tests.. ape die? Terjatuh file lah, tunggu org bukak pintu la, senyum lah, service with a smile la... and watever else... Kalau based on that je.. hampeh.. memang banyak la kan country kat dunia ni yg rude. Lepas tu, the fact that, org yg buat survey tu plak, kalo tak silap, dtg from the epal besar... (saper dpt tangkap.. terer!) bandar yg terkenal di seluruh dunia, yg dipenuhi penjenayah, dan sewaktu dengannye... Derang kat situ pun, lagi banyak yg kurang ajar dan biadap.. tapi tak pun kene rated as top 3... knape? sebab org negara derang sendiri, in a state of denial.. derang sendiri tanak mengaku kelemahan negara sendiri, pastu suke hati tok nenek derang jer, nak rate negara org... and mengata negara orang.

But, in some ways, memang tak dinafikan... walaupun kita rakyat Malaysia sepatutnye dilabelkan masyarakat berbudi bahasa dan bersopan santun, tapi there is still a lot of us Malaysians, yg masih agak kasar dlm sikap mereka. Masih banyak lagi antara kita yg tak ladylike than gentleman.. contoh terbaik... kalo nak ikot bab bukak pintu kat org.. haha.. jgn harap.. kalo derang bukak pintu, bukak kat diri sendiri.. pastu, yg tension tu, kalo pintu tu jenis swing, org blakang tu, ketepek.. kene langgar ngan pintu. And then kalo bab barang jatuh... ahahhaha.. kalo barang org lain jatuh.. either kite buat muke seposen.. atau kalo yg dajjal.. gi curik brg org tu.. bukannye nak pulangkan.

Then there's the sexism issue... there's still a lot of people who are chauvinist pigs.. or ape2 la yg derang panggil kan... some lelaki, masih anggap mereka lebih hebat dari perempuan.. of course la they are.. in a lot of ways, but come on... ade la amik berat sket or bertolak ansur sket ngan kite pompuan nih... just because kitorg from the weaker sex, doesn't mean you guys can just diss us girls, or mengarah2 kitorg suke hati derang jer... and then, nak salahkan lelaki jer pun takleh, kite pompuan pun, ade mase, still terhegeh2... konon nak sopan.. tapi sampai biar je org lain buat ape kat kite. At least have some pride in yourselves la... jgn sampai org lain leh pijak kpale kite just like that.. we're in a balance world now... Kalo as an isteri or anak or adik or kakak.. ok, i admit.. we have to show contoh terbaik and turut kate org lelaki.. that is part of our family.

Sebab nilah.. lelaki rude ngan prompuan sebab derang ingat derang leh control kite... and some prompuan lak... terover2 woman power sgt.. sampai lelaki marah jer.. die terajang tros laki tu, or laki tu buat small minor move ngan pompuan tuh tros nak saman laki tu for sexual harrasment...haha.. over la tu kan.. we have to have balance in our life, in this world.. give and take.. that's how it goes..

Oh, then another issue that we Malaysians have, is patience.. we lack that. Masih banyak yg sooo tak sabar.. especially on the road.. tau nak laju, cut org and pecut... ntah aper nak dikejar pun tak tau.. org lambat sket pun dah maki hamun bagai nak rak.. kot2 org tu terleka ke ape.. no one's perfect la kan.. lain la kalo contohnye kat traffic light, lampu dah hijau, org depan kite tak gerak2 lagi, sampai red light kuar balik pun org tu tak jalan.. then bleh la hon.. tapi takat hon je dah la.. ni tak.. nak gak tunjuk who's the man/woman... kuar kreta, maki hamun org depan.. then buat kecoh.. tak sedar diri.. dah stop org tu kat tgh jalan.. padahal konon nak cepat.. lagi buat traffic jam kat tgh2 jalan. Sometimes we just don't think before we do something.. main melulu jer buat.

Lantak la org kata ape pun..We are big bullies at times. But we don't realise it, until kite sendiri terkena.

Smiling... beratkah mulut kite untuk mengukir senyuman?... not really.. kengkadang kite rajin nak senyum kat org.. tapi org lain lak kate kite ni giler.. senyum sorang2.. either that.. or kalo kite senyum kat the opposite sex, kenala kite ngan gelaran.. gatal, miang, tak sedar diri, etc.. So kite nak senyum kat org pun serba salah.. sebab org lain nyer view and thought about us smiling.. so that i don't blame anyone la.. but the truth is.. smiling satu sedekah.. in fact, smiling is a good way for facial exercise.. so if you see someone smile at you.. maybe they just feel like it.. so smile back. Or if you just feel like smiling, then do so.. it's a beautiful thing, smiling.

Actually, what i've stated here, walaupun i letak Malaysians as the main topic, but ni also di tujukan gak for everyone in this world... So, bak kate org, cermin diri dulu, before mengata org.. Kalo diri sendiri dah perangai tak elok, jgn nak deny... coz nanti we won't be able to see our own fault, and only see other people's fault.. and because of that la kat dunia ni penoh ngan org perasaan hasad dengki, sebab masing2 tk puas hati ngan org lain, padahal diri sendiri pun same, or better yet, lagi terok dr org yg kite kutuk tu..

Anyway, suke hati la org nak kate ape pun.. but this is my comment la.. what i think.. banyak lagi sebenarnye.. but if nak luahkan semue.. mau satu hari nak blog.. i dahla ngantuk giler ni.. maybe lain kali.. when issues like this come up again.. so, if anyone of you have any other comments, or tak puas hati ngan aper yg i comment, feel free to say anything. it's a free world.. i won't mind.. kalo i sakit hati pun.. i diam2 kan jer.. paling2 kalo tension sgt ngan komen korang, i leh terjun jambatan... bukan bunuh diri.. tapi buat bungy.. hahaha.. release tension aper!

Well, till then... See ya when i See ya!!

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