Thursday, May 6, 2010


Harini i feel a bit rajin to blog... this is the 4th blog for the day, including the John Lennon video.

Well.. for now.. there's a few things I need to get out of my chest realll badly... banyak bende.. so they don't actually link to one another... well, some do.. most of them do. Here it goes:

  • I may look soft spoken and seldom raise my voice.. but don't let me go to my dark side.. you'd never like it and neither would I. I can throw tantrums like it's nobody's business.
  • There are some people whom are just plain suck face... puji org non stop.. like we don't know what they're trying to get at.. meluat.
  • Since Friday, I had 3 supposedly important dates that had to be canceled due to unforseen circumstances. I don't like it.. But I'll just have to face it.
  • I may be open minded, but when it comes to something against religion, like hubungan sejenis.. there's a certain limit how those people should act in public.. I am ok with these people as friends.. I really am.. but you don't need to show how 'gay' you are in public. It can get a bit annoying sometimes.
  • I will not reveal who my boyfriend is at the moment, not until we're 100% official. For now it's half way through. Don't ask me why. But I can say this. He works with this online automobile review company and we've been dating for over 5 months now. I call him Incik.. most of my friends might now his real name.. or his nickname M or A. He's younger than me, but age is not a barrier for our relationship.
  • When it comes to a relationship. I fight my way through for the guy I love.
  • When I don't have the heart to do something.. then don't force me to do it. It'll just make things worse.
  • If I had the chance to spend all day, everyday with Incik I would... would get married with him if we could.
  • I do believe in jodoh di tangan Tuhan... but we have to make it work endlessly. If it still fails, at least we've tried our best.
  • Do not call me a spoilt rich kid, because I'm not... If I was one, I'd have Manolo Blahnik Shoes, Chanel Handbags, the latest gadgets(like Ipad) by now. Even my car is the cheapest imported 4wd around. But I love Baby Schatzy.. especially good during hujan lebat n banjir times.
  • I hate when people say "Untung org yg dpt u nanti... u anak org kaya" WTF??? Is that person a gold digger to start off with?
  • I get annoyed when people say" U senanggg... u xde ni, ni ni... u ade ni, ni, ni" Well, if u want it or don't want it.. then work for it. Don't simply say things like that.
  • I also get annoyed when people say "Alaa... u nk ke pegi tempat2 mcm ni? Pakai barang2 mcm ni??.. U kan high standard" Again.. wtf? u don't know me well.. so don't judge me like that. Refer to the 'spoilt rich kid" point.
  • I will continue crapping in this blog tomorrow or after I come back from my holidays, because for now, I'm sleepy.


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