Monday, May 3, 2010


We reconciled.. err.. is that how u spell it??

We talked it over... told each other that if we can't understand each other and be there for each other, then it would be better to not be around each other. But after a few negotiations.. haha.. we agreed to give it another go and try our best to work it out yet again. I guess we sayang each other that we just hate to loose each other even though we don't get each other a lot times... and on his side, being freaking busy with work to even notice any other things like his family n his friends n me. Which is bad.. but he needs to learn, and I'll be there to help. And I need to learn to loosen up.. a lot! and let things go with the flow.

We'll see how it goes. I'm hoping and praying for the best for us. We're taking baby steps to move into a better relationship position.

Love u Incik.

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